Banyan progress

I was very excited to receive my first ever Ysolda Teague club package way back in February and when I saw the gorgeous Triskelion yarn Ysolda had supplied, I was even happier. The colour – a rich, glowing green – is right up my street and I immediately wound the skein into a ball ready to start.

Then came the dilemma – Ysolda had provided two patterns to choose from – a shawl or a wrap. I was immediately taken with the shawl, but initially, the thought of casting on 515 stitches seemed pretty daunting and I almost persuaded myself to knit the wrap instead. In the end though, the beauty of the shawl won out and I spent a quiet evening, painstakingly casting on all those hundreds of stitches.

4 months later and I’m still nowhere near finishing, but I’m making progress. I’ve now completed row 50, which might not sound like much knitting, but by my calculations that’s nearly 29,000 stitches! I’ve not worked on this project exclusively, I probably only spend a few hours on it each week, but it’s a lovely knit and I know it will be one of those finished items that will be lovingly handed down to my daughter, so the time and effort are worth it.

I’ll leave you with some pictures of my progress.

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